Friday, December 18, 2009

PARSON BROWN....... waiting patiently for the snow to fly. Here in NE PA an inch or 2 is expected for tommorrow. That'll put a smile on his handsome face.

The baking is done for Christmas.
 Now if only I could muster up the courage to do some shopping for gifts.
I am not a shopper unless it is for the shop.
I have been working at my day job for like 9 straight days and finally have a day off today.
And I have made the most of it, I put together several foodie gift baskets for a few customers,
made pumpkin dip mixes and turkey soup packs,
three different gourmet cocoa blends and
puttered around besides.
I'd like to go home and put my feet up and relax but that's not going to happen.
Next to my chair is a beautiful frasier fir with not a single light or ornament on it, so that's what I will be doing in 15 minutes.
Now just in case I don't have time to post (back to work tommorrow) in the next few days.......

1 comment:

The Cinnamon Stick said...

Shame Miss Holly Wintertree and Parson Brown didn't get together....maybe next year!! XO, Judy